Women’s Circles

A safe, non-judgemental space to reconnect to our ancient feminine ways and the cycles within and without, deeply listening, sharing stories, and allowing ourselves to be seen and heard in our unique experiences


The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we're weak, and sing with us when we are strong. - Sark.


A remembering of the ancient feminine ways and the Inner wise woman within.


Since the beginning of time Women have gathered in circle to share experiences, stories, thoughts and ideas, honouring many things including the moon cycles, seasonal sabbats and rites of passage.

A co-created Women’s Circle means each woman weaves her magic into the healing space just by showing up and having the intention to support the other women and listen deeply.


What happens when we gather?

Some of the processes we engage with may include:

  • Intention setting and prayers

  • Connection with the menstrual cycle and rites of passage

  • Meditation

  • Nature Connection

  • Art Therapy

  • Journaling 

  • Drum Journeying

  • Sound and Movement 

  • Shamanic Ritual and Ceremony


A safe, non-judgemental space

We will be exploring what comes up with curiosity and reverence and sharing with each other and listening with the ears of our heart, which means with acceptance and without the need to fix anything just being there and witnessing.

Women’s Circles provide a safe, non-judgemental space to show up as you are on the day.

These circles are for women of all ages and backgrounds. No experience is required.


Every story matters... We are all worthy of telling our stories and having them heard. We all need to be seen and honored in the same way that we all need to breathe. – Brene Brown


Circle Offerings

  • Monthly Circles at Ishara Healing Centre in Macksville

  • Rites of Passage Circles and Sacred Ritual and Ceremonies can be created together. First Menstruation, Pregnancy, Marriage, Deaths, Transitions, Celebrations. Please reach out and we can chat more about this.

  • Upcoming circle May 16th Bookings here



  • Monthly Women’s Circle-  $30

  • Circle plus 1 hr Shamanic Bodywork session within the week after circle - $110

Contact Bec if you have any questions.